• Volunteer Information
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the 2016 Games of Texas! Volunteers play a vital role in the success of the Games of Texas by ensuring that each athlete obtains a world-class sporting experience.

Register online to volunteer.

  • You are more than welcome to sign-up for multiple slots. These can be on different days, or on the same day..
  • Please pay close attention to the days and timeframes of the events you register for. It is your responsibility to make sure you do not register for slots that conflict.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for my shift?
  • Please arrive early for your volunteer shift to have time to change into the volunteer shirt that will be provided, and also to receive any necessary training.
Do I need to bring food/drinks to the event?
  • We provide refreshments during the entirety of the event (i.e. snacks, water, and Gatorade). Volunteer slots that align with times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided a meal.
What do I need to wear?
  • We provide each volunteer with a Games of Texas shirt that must be worn during your volunteer shift(s). Each volunteer will also receive a Games of Texas hat.
  • We also require that each volunteer wear khaki shorts. Please make sure your shorts are professional in appearance and length (i.e. no tears, holes, or “short shorts”).
When is the deadline to register as a volunteer?
  • The deadline to register as a volunteer is TBA

Volunteers should be at least 15 years old. It is very important that all volunteers arrive promptly for their registered shift. If a volunteer becomes unavailable, it is crucial that your event coordinator(s) be notified immediately.