Frequently Asked Quesions

How do I become a TAAF Member?

  • If you are a New Member City, please contact the State Office for information on getting log in information. If you are a Member City renewing your membership, go to Step 1 on our Online Registration Page, and log in with your Member ID and Access Code, if you do not know your Member ID and Access Code, please contact the state office.
  •  If you are a new club, or youth organization for Gymnastics, Track, or Swim, please go to to our Online Registration Page and complete Step 1 for an Affiliate Membership. You will need to fill out the form, create a team name and access code. Affiliate Membership is $100. Once you have completed Step 1 on our Online Registration Page and pay the $100, the State Office will reach out to your Region for approval (please allow 3 business days for the approval). If you are a returning affiliate member, please log in with the same Member ID and Access Code from previous years to renew your membership. If you do not know/remember, please contact the State Office.
  • If you are a club or youth organization for team sports (basketball, flag football, etc.) please fill out and the affiliate form on our online registration (same steps as above)
  • For Individuals wishing to participate in our Golf, Tennis, Track or Swim program, you can register as an Unattached Athlete under Step 1 on our Online Registration Page, Unattached Athlete registration is $20.00 before June 15th. Unattached Athlete registration after June 15th will be $25.00 untill June 27th or 3 days before your region deadline, whichever comes first.

How do I know my Region?
TAAF has 17 Regions that are split up across the state. Please view our Regions Page or click here to confirm your region before registering. Regions are based off the address provided when signing up. Please review our regions to know which one you will be in prior to registering, or contact the State Office to confirm. No refunds and no region changes.

How do I register my athletes?
After completing Step 1 on our Online Registration page for INDIVIDUAL SPORTS (gymnastics, track and swim), you will be able to go to Step 2 – Athlete Registration – to register your individual athletes. If you are a NEW affiliate member, please wait till your approval from the State Office is emailed to you. If you are a returning affiliate member, please use the username and password used to renew your membership to register your athletes. For TEAM sports, please contact the state office for team registrations forms and rosters.

*** You must renew your membership online before being able to register your athletes (Step 2) and enter them into their events***

Once assigned a TAAF ID, is that all that needs to be done?
No, once the athlete is registered (INDIVIDUAL SPORTS ONLY), you will need to enter them into their events (Summer Swim and Track & Field only). Unattached athletes will need to go to Step 3 to enter into events.

Do TAAF ID’s transfer year to year?
Athletes need to be registered every year and will receive a new TAAF ID each year.

What are the age divisions for athletes?
Please go to our TAAF Sports page, click on the sport you are looking for, click on the Sports Rules. Age divisions are available within the sports rules.

Can I participate in a different region that the one I am assigned?
No. All athletes must compete within their designated region.

What are Circuit Meets?
Circuit Meets are practice meets prior to the Regional Qualifying Meet. All athletes must be registered prior to their Region Deadline for Circuit meets to participate. Athletes not registered with TAAF will not be able to participate in circuit meets.

When are registration deadlines?

Basketball – AdultThe business day after the state tournament entry deadline
Basketball – Winter – Youth/High SchoolJanuary 15
Flag Football – 8 on 8November 1
Flag Football – 4 on 4March 1
Flag Football – YouthNovember 1
Hockey – In-lineRegister at State Tournament
KickballRegister at State Tournament
SoccerRegister at State Tournament
Softball – Spring/Summer – Adult/YouthJune 1
Softball – FallRegister at State Tournament
Volleyball – AdultRegister at State Tournament
Volleyball – SandRegister at State Tournament
Volleyball – YouthApril 15
SwimmingPer Region Deadline – view Swimming page for your Region Deadline
Track & FieldPer Region Deadline – view Track & Field page for your Region Deadline

What is my registration deadline for Swim or Track & Field?
Each Region has a different registration deadline. Please review your Regional Qualifying Meet information on our TAAF Sports Page (choose sport) and click on your Region for registration deadlines. Any athlete registered after June 15th (if registration is still open for your region) will incur a $5.00 late fee

How do I register for the Games of Texas?
You will need to go to either our Summer Games page, or our Winter Games Page for event information and registration deadlines. To participate at our Summer Games in Swimming and Track, you will need qualify at your Regional Qualifying Meet. Our Winter Games Swim meet is open to everyone.

Is insurance included with my membership?
No. Insurance can be purchased. Please review our Insurance Program for pricing.

Any questions in regards to TAAF, please e-mail the TAAF State Office

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